Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A really bad day

I woke late yesterday and really tired.
On the way to school we crashed the car (TAN TAN TAAAAAAN) but we're ok, al7amdellah nothing happened. And bar'9o on the road some jackass was honking the horn non-stop so my brother was telling my oldest brother (cuz he's driving) Waggef wallah aneeko wallah yen'9arib, I was really pissed of cuz dooby 9a7i :(
When I arrived at school I had a serious headache so I fell asleep and when I woke up I found that my friend wanted to fight with HIS COUSIN who is also in our class so ofcourse I had to stand with my friend against his fuckingly stupid cousin.
They ended up not fighting 'n shit.

Here's the best part.

When I exiting the school I found THE WHOLE SCHOOL standing around my car
In my head "NO NO BIG BROBREM (problem)"
The whole school was helping my driver pick the lock cuz he left the keyes inside and it was locked.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH omm altafsheela, oola motawwasi6 were asking me "is this ur car"
Even the teacher was trying to help me :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
And finally after 30 minutes we opened it! w fil6areeg konna 7ane9dom tani :'''''(
When I arrived home they told me "yalla roo7 at'3adda, e7na 5alla9na" Y????? Y would u do this to me??? You had lunch and left ME???

After lunch I slept until 6:30 and I was really really tired so I watched TV till 11:00 then went to sleep.

What a crappy day, miskeen 9a7??


Black Orchid said...

awwwwww ya 7ayati :P

seriously, you really have a stupid driver :/
bs you know..alot of drivers happen to forget their car keys inside...e7na 9arat ma3ana...wallah ynarfzoon :P

Taqo said...

Mn jed "Awwwwww ya 7yati" :S

Well look at it this way: you probably cant have any more days that are worse than this one. Cheer up, mate! =)

Anonymous said...


DETTOL said...

many gayillik ya 7ayati:P

your driver is 7mar not only a stupid