Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gimme one last chance

This is the last time I change my blog...I hope.
Some of you might know me as Cold, before that I was Freak Of Nature and now I'm Dude!

My vacation sucked because alot of my friends traveld and I stayed in Jeddah, but I went to Al-durrah on (no I didn't go because it was valentine's, it was just a coincidence)

7a66et braces, and it really hurts the first 4 days :(

Today was the first day of the second term of school. Not alot of students in mmy class showed up, we were only five.
It really sucked and we were bored as hell, no one was talking we just stared at the board like dawafeer, the fun will start next week... Atleast I hope so.

Well that had to bore you :/
Anyway, the reason for this blog is because I have no one to talk to and I want to let it all out.
BTW, I'm not a good writer so I won't be letting it ALL out cuz I dont know how to, but in time I will inshalla.

That's all for today


zahrat ilma6ba5 said...

welcome back :D
lol 3ala el a8al ma darasto :|
3alay million wajeb bokra o abadan mali 5lg
o kaman 3alay 2 finals el2sboo3 eljay!
el agony o elmisery will start next week :(

A Walking Coffee Bean said...

hey, w/b
loooool durrah on V.Day FALLAAAH
how waz ur

welcome to the world of braces
the world of pain
juss j/k..
well the good side
u're goin 2 have a gr8 smile in the end of the road :)
think about it postively

yeah about skool, LMAO...
mostly same thing over here...
i dnt kno y we bother 2 go n the first days after vacation
its useless
i cud have slept sm more if i ddnt go
:S :S

Dude! said...

Thanks for youre comments, it's great that you two are the first to comment.

Sexy Cow:
talit thanawi, u have to work extra hard.

Thanks. V day really sucked, I was shocked that no one was wearing red (yes, that's weird)
5ala9, the braces dont hurt no more thank god, look at my smile :D
Still none of the cool kids showed up, we do alot of crazy things like fight with the 5ikry teachers and jump in the swimming pool and on
About the sleep thing, I need ALOT of sleep so i sleep after 3a9or =)